Proven methods of penis enlargement both in length and in width

Very often men are not happy with the size of your penis, what makes you think – and how you can enlarge your penis at home-and without surgery? This as a general rule, the man comes to himself at the thought of the stings of the couple.

how to increase the penis

The issue of standards of

Naturally, no one can give you accurate information, it all depends on the body type and weight.

But in a state of erection the normal size is 8 inches.

The member that does not reach this length, can be considered small. But you should not rely solely on the data. In the first place, the man decides, organizes a penis or not.

The average penis size varies from 12 to 16 centimeters (european type of men). The diameter of the merits of about four inches. As it says in the medicine, with age, gender, and authority all but runs the blood, even at the time of the erection, and the member loses millimeters in length and in width.

General characteristics of the methods of

If the decision to increase the body genital finally accepted, you must select the appropriate method. Methods of penis enlargement quite a large amount, and I have here some of them:

  • Jelqing;
  • The vacuum;
  • Weights;
  • Oral medications;
  • Medications in form of gels, ointments and creams;
  • The surgical intervention;
  • Massage;
  • Extender;
  • Nozzle for the member.

Naturally, almost the immediate result will be able to carry only one surgical intervention. But if you want to dispense with the operation – the time that it will take a little longer, but the risk is virtually nothing.


The technique of lengthening of the penis under the name of "Jelqing" deserves the title of one of the oldest. Were the representatives of africa, india and the middle east. Over many centuries, this technique has helped men to believe in themselves. Jelqing is "milking". The penis both in length and in width. This technique allows you, as ridiculous as it may seem, the results are impressive.

as enlarge the penis ways of

The methods of this technique are several. The only rule – the penis should not be 100% excited state. The erection can be, but quite weak. If the member in full readiness of combat – there is the possibility of damaging it.

Therefore, the effect? The answer is simple. When the stimulation occurs the penis, the blood rushes to it. And since this organ is mainly composed of the corpora cavernosa, fill up blood and increase. At the same time form new body. Precisely for this reason, produces an increase of the length and the girth of the authority.

Recommended exercises

Many men wonder how to increase the girth of the penis through exercises "Jelqing" technique? To make this easier. Below are the two exercises, with which you can achieve a good result.

  1. Before you begin the first exercise penis it is necessary to heat to erectile tissues are more flexible. Heating is possible with the help of warm water (not hot!) the bags of hot water or with the help of the bag with warm water with salt or cereal. Easy placement of the baby without the need of clicking it is necessary to heat the dignity and we can move on to the massage. To bring the cock to the mild erection and abundance of greasing with grease for the sexual contact. Enfold you member with the index finger and the thumb, making of them a ring. Pulling the hand to the head, and in the approach to the stop. Managed the penis on the state line and stop as between 7 and 10 seconds. Remove the hand. Therefore, it is necessary to do 20 repetitions. If the erection has entered into force, can end the exercise. As soon as will continue.
  2. The next exercise for penis enlargement should be done with the help of the palm of the hand. I needed to hug her with a strength member of the base and tighten very strong in 10 seconds. If the palm of the hand does not completely cover the penis – it juts out of the length of the enfold you second-hand. During the compression you should pull the member up-down and left - right. Compress so that the sensations were at the point of pain. Repeat the exercise should be no more than 10 times.
as enlarge the penis methods

If every day to do this kind of gymnastics, even without any kind of operation can increase the penis length by 2 cm per month.

The massage impact

The increase of the penis with the help of massage is very effective method. By controlling the exposure can not only increase the volume, but also to increase the sexual power.

Carefully warm the penis before the massage. It is best to do with the help of a warm compress of linen and bath towels, with warm water. The massage can be done in any state – in a relaxed atmosphere or erectum. Clearly the rules of the massage does not – but the frequency of the movements, in no case, should not increase, and should be soft, with a firm grip.

During the massage movement should be repeated that are used during masturbation. The only member you should be folding every time the hand goes to the head.

The suspension of the weighted

It really enhances the method, even though many men avoid it. But to get the desired length, member, worth a try. The only drawback of this method is to increase the thickness of not to get.

As always, before the procedure a member must heat one of the methods mentioned above. Before that the head must be glued with adhesive tape, so that in the future is going to confirm the cord. The belt should be charging. To do this, you can use anything you want:

  • The book;
  • Vegetables or fruits;
  • A bottle of water;
  • Heavy jug, etc

If the object can't be hanging we must put on the package and the package attached to a rope.

The duration of the procedure should first be about 15 minutes, gradually it is necessary to increase the time to 45 to 50 minutes. With time, it is also necessary to increase and the weight of the load. Be sure to observe the sensations – if there is discomfort or pain – the load should decrease.

You must also monitor the color of the member: if he blushed, the procedure must stop. It also requires the stop and the numbness of the head of the penis.

The use of an extender

Can produce increase of members in the home and with the help of this device.Extender can be of several types:

  • Belt abdominal;
  • Vacuum;
  • Turned around.

The stretchers can do to not only the growth of your penis in both length and width, but and review of the available information the curvature. Is this a disadvantage, since the team works "with care", their use can be up to several hours per day. But the result is worth it, because the effect is very long-term.

as the penis enlarge extender

Vacuum of the water pump

The Internet is full of information on how to increase penis with the help of the vacuum pump in the home. And this method has a lot of positive feedback. Water pump contributes not only to increase the penis, but also increases the sexual power.

Also the water pump is the best helper for those men for whom the member is in erection is quite soft. By created a vacuum around the penis it intensifies the flow of blood, and the penis is gaining strength.

Apply the pump is fairly easy. Before using the penis should be washed and wiped with a dry cloth. Then, the member must be introduced into the cylinder, that is in the pump. The pressure with which will work the device, can be adjusted with the help of a manometer.

The disadvantage of this method of penis enlargement – the temporary effect.

But if the procedure of producing directly before the sexual act, as a couple, yes, and the owner of the powerful member will be surprised. The pump can be purchased in specialised shops or in large pharmaceutical paragraphs.

Ointments, gels and creams

Advertising videos and photos guarantee "shocking" the result after the application of such funds. Unfortunately, it is not so. How much more you have to choose the composition of their own needs. You need a short-term effect or long-term. If this does not pay attention, you can get is not what you expect.

If it is considered that the cream in the short term, the effect of any drug is good, because in its composition contains a component that causes the increase of the penis and the glans. If you select a ointment for the long-term effects, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. He will tell you what type of membership is right for you.

"Maximum" and "minimum" of the decision of

The maximum is the operation. Not every one of the representatives of the male sex will be decided in a procedure of this type. And no one here is fear, and in some clinics the operation of the penalty of the great of money. But the effect of this is quite good – the increase of the penis length can reach 5 cm and thickness – 2, Such operations are performed with only local anesthesia, so completely avoid the unpleasant sensations that can't.

Minimum way to increase the body genital – to acquire in the shop of the nozzle. The nozzle more low-cost in the financial sense method of penis enlargement. With the nozzle can not only increase the length and the thickness of the fertile area of the authority. The device is best to buy what is made of silicone or latex, these materials softer and more elastic. These accessories can extend the member, up to 10 cm – partner will be delighted.

as enlarge the penis massage

As you see, the penis is not so complicated task. Main, guide to the wishes and financial possibilities. Not worth the catch for the first time a method for thinking about the pros and the cons, if necessary, consult with the couple.

In fact, some of the men are able to assume to underestimate, at the time that the girlfriend is happy with it all. To clarify the doubt, it may help to have an open conversation. Important, to have security in yourself and do not concentrate on the size.